Social Media Page Draft 2:

Social Media Page Draft 2:


Our Instagram Page Link:


This is our teacher’s  Screencastify feedback, for our social media page…


What went well:
  • Our highlights for our stories are effective and work well.
  • We have included a good amount of personal details and connected with our fans/ audience.
  • The merch/ merch posts look good.
  • Our tour posts and the poster is conventional (slightly ambitious).
  • Our hashtags are good and relevant.
  • The website link is a nice touch, especially the front page.
  • The filter on our radio podcast post is effective and gives off a romantic vibe.


Targets for improvement:
  • The youtube link in our bio isn’t a proper link. It doesn’t take us to the video by clicking on it (you must paste the link in a search bar).
  • We need to delete the dead menu options on our website, as they are irrelevant.
  • We will post a story saying some of our band members will go live. So that we will have a live aspect to our social media page.
  • We would also like to collab with another brand/ advert/ band. This will create more synergy/ mutual benefits and buzz.
  • We will try and upload a post of our band or model wearing some timberland merch, to complete the collab.
  • Once our digipack is out, we will sell physical copies of our album.


Focus Forward:

This post/ feedback has helped me understand what areas of our social media page are good, and what needs improving. I have narrowed down the improvements to add or change into bullet points.  Which makes it easy to read and tick off- once done. We also know what our teacher’s thoughts are on our page. The improvements left to make are small but will help achieve the most professional version of our social media page possible. Writing our targets down, it’s given us the plan to follow. This will make the editing and uploading process quicker and easier.

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