Category Archives: Social Media Page

Social Media Page Draft 2:

Social Media Page Draft 2:


Our Instagram Page Link:


This is our teacher’s  Screencastify feedback, for our social media page…


What went well:
  • Our highlights for our stories are effective and work well.
  • We have included a good amount of personal details and connected with our fans/ audience.
  • The merch/ merch posts look good.
  • Our tour posts and the poster is conventional (slightly ambitious).
  • Our hashtags are good and relevant.
  • The website link is a nice touch, especially the front page.
  • The filter on our radio podcast post is effective and gives off a romantic vibe.


Targets for improvement:
  • The youtube link in our bio isn’t a proper link. It doesn’t take us to the video by clicking on it (you must paste the link in a search bar).
  • We need to delete the dead menu options on our website, as they are irrelevant.
  • We will post a story saying some of our band members will go live. So that we will have a live aspect to our social media page.
  • We would also like to collab with another brand/ advert/ band. This will create more synergy/ mutual benefits and buzz.
  • We will try and upload a post of our band or model wearing some timberland merch, to complete the collab.
  • Once our digipack is out, we will sell physical copies of our album.


Focus Forward:

This post/ feedback has helped me understand what areas of our social media page are good, and what needs improving. I have narrowed down the improvements to add or change into bullet points.  Which makes it easy to read and tick off- once done. We also know what our teacher’s thoughts are on our page. The improvements left to make are small but will help achieve the most professional version of our social media page possible. Writing our targets down, it’s given us the plan to follow. This will make the editing and uploading process quicker and easier.

Social Media Page Draft 1:

Social Media Page Draft 1:


We decided to use the social media app Instagram, to promote our band and their new music/ collaborations. We have focused on including posts that intrigue our fans (AIDA). Our posts include collaborations (synergy), personal connections, behind-the-scenes, live performances/ tour updates, merch drops, or new songs/ album drops. To make our page more interesting, we have made some posts that include multiple photos. We have also edited the images and uploaded a small video that includes sound.


Social Media Page Link-


Screenshot of our Instagram page/ feed:


Click here…


Self Assessment:
Click here…
Focus Forward:

This task has helped me understand what key features our social media page is lacking/ missing. We now know what to work on and include more of. This will help us create a more interesting, exciting and enticing  platform.  The 4 areas we could work on are; having our band go live, doing another collaboration, expanding our first collaboration further, and selling physical copies of our music. I think we have done well in many elements of the success criteria. I like where our page is at, it gives our band and their work publicity and buzz.

Timeline and Marketing Ideas:

Timeline and Marketing Ideas:


We needed to create this marketing campaign, to fully understand who our target audience is. We also needed to grasp how we will reach them, and what would be successful for our band.


Physical Timeline Strategy:



This is the timeline we initially created. This helped us plan what posts and stories we needed to upload, and when. We were able to organise our posts, to achieve an exciting build-up to our band’s new album.  We used different coloured post-it notes to section our ideas into different categories. Our main focus is for our social media page to achieve AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action). Our way of grabbing the audience’s attention is to use our stories (and story highlights) to share important and interesting updates about our band. We will subtly hint at new releases, which will get the fans excited. We will create interest by reaching a bigger audience. The way we will do this is by using hashtags, and having brand deals with other big companies. To capture the desire of our fans we will add short clips, or behind the scene shots, of our new music video. We will also add a snippet of the audio for the song. This will get the audience hooked, and want to hear more. Finally, our attempt at creating action will be to make our own website. It will be linked to our band’s bio. This makes it easily accessible for the fans to click on. The website will sell merch and tickets for their tour. This support will be our band’s main source of income.


Some of our posts will be personal posts. This will make our band’s profile more personal and friendly. It will make their fans feel like they’re included/ updated in their life. It also addresses Dyer’s paradox of the star idea, that the stars are ordinary and extraordinary.


The brand we have chosen to collaborate with is “Timberland”. They’re a brand that sells outdoor clothing and accessories. They aim to “inspire and equip adventures up to get outside”. This fits our band and genre convention. They love the outdoors and apprentice nature. So they will be honest and respectable- by collaborating with a brand they truly like.


Sandbox Marketing Ideas:



These 3 sandbox marketing ideas are all relevant to our marketing strategies. This is because they all used their social media pages to advertise their new singles/ albums/ music videos. In particular, These three will help give us ideas on how to advertise our band and use our social media page efficiently.


Focus Forward:


We now have a clear layout for how we will upload to our Instagram page. We also have some ideas from other successful professionals that have also used their social media to advertise their new music. We know how important it is to create a united page for our stars. We will make them stand out from other bands by uploading personal, unique posts of the members. We will focus on the formal and general conventions that must be included.

Audience interaction with a social media page (analysis):

Audience interaction with a social media page (analysis):


This is our group attempt at making a screencastify that explains our comparative analysis of how a group of professionals’ social media page interacts with their target audience. We split the paragraphs between us.


Whilst every professional social media page has formal conventions, we found that artists of the indie-folk genre like to include some fun photos too. Their pages primarily promote their work, products and tours. However, they do include some shots of them just being mates, like any typical person would see or post of their friends.


Focus Forward:


This task helped us understand why they post the media they do. We discussed these 5 questions: What is conventional about the page in terms of technical conventions. How does the SMP page encourage AIDA through its design and content? How does the SMP page enable the audience’s Uses and Gratifications? How far is the SMP page a good example of integrated advertising and how far does it encourage it to go ‘viral’ and use ‘guerrilla’ marketing to help promote its star? How is the star represented – ordinary, extraordinary, present and absent? This group assignment will help us, when we create our own social media page. Since we did a relevant band with the same social media app as inspiration, it will be easy to compare our work to there’s.


Social Media Page Terminology:

Social Media Page Terminology:


I have made this slideshow explaining the terminologies and techniques famous musicians use on their social media pages. I chose to use Hollow Coves Twitter page because they are similar to our band’s music and aesthetics. By analysing these key aspects of a social media page, I know what I need to include in my own social media page. I put the names of the techniques in bold. These conventions I mention will be the same for all bands promoting themselves (particularly bands of the same genre).



Focus Forward:

By identifying these technical conventions on a social media platform, I can see how popular artists promote themselves and their music. We can see what they care about, and raise awareness for. A band’s social media page portrays what their personalities are like. This is important since fans rarely get to meet and speak to famous musicians. I know now that our band’s own social media page needs to connect with the target audience. It needs to be friendly. It also needs to have a personality and not be fully work-focused. A social media page should be a mix between promoting, collaborating, and fun events they go to. Fans want to see what they do daily/ weekly. The purpose of social media is for people to connect with and understand what other likes and dislikes are. This helps them feel like they’re friends with the stars, and that the stars are normal people behind their fame.