Category Archives: Music Magazine

Branding Ideas and Mission Statement:

Branding Ideas and Mission Statement:

At the moment, I have chosen to name my magazine “Punkzilla“. I like this idea because it reminds me of punk fancy dress and make-up styles. I think that the name is appropriate for representing my magazine.

I have chosen to create my magazine based on the genre of punk-rock. I think this will be a good topic because I like its specific conventions and design styles. I also think that it’s quite a distinctive, broad genre. I have researched some of the possible connotations of the genre of punk-rock and made a word cloud to help with my mission statement.

My Word Cloud:

My Mission Statement:

“Punkzilla” is one of the top magazines for anyone with an interest in punk-rock makeup and music. It will be a toned-down take on primarily punk fashion- not politics. It’ll included the latest music releases, the best outfits of each week, and the juiciest interviews- where our famous celebs reveal all their biggest secrets. Punkzilla magazine inspires quirks, edginess and originality in people, as well as allowing them to express themselves, like their idols do. We aim for our readers to feel comfortable trying out and experimenting with different looks. We also hope that our magazine has compelling, dynamic and charismatic fresh content.

A Front Cover Analysed – Attracting ‘that’ Audience:

A Front-Cover Analysed – Attracting ‘that’ Audience:

Overall, this magazine is designed to be sold- like every product. Its main purpose of it is to provide entertainment and relevant information for the buyers. Every magazine is made up of many features in order to attract customers. These features include what we have been learning about recently; mise-en-scene, clamps, camera angles/ shots, colour pallets, and mastheads/ cover lines/ cover stars. This research is important because it helped me notice what features magazines use and why. Whilst I was finding and analysing each technique, I gained a better understanding of what they do. In particular, a new thing I learned was what demographics and psychographics means. Moving forward, since I chose the most unfamiliar/ hardest magazine for myself, this task helped challenge my basic knowledge of the main techniques I had to analyse.

The Conventional Design Features Of A Magazine:

The Conventional Design Features Of A Magazine:

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The main features within a magazine are the; masthead, cover lines, main cover line, main cover star, barcode, price, plug, pug, insets and captions. The masthead is the main title and the most important text on the page. It’s usually the biggest text and named after a brand or something that’s relevant to the topic. The cover lines are the other topics within the magazine that aren’t the main focus. Then the main cover line is the text that’s smaller than the masthead but larger than the other cover lines. The main cover star is a photo of the person who’s the focal point of the magazine. For example, it’s usually a tv shows main character or an upcoming popular singer. The barcode is a necessity for a magazine- whether it’s on the front or back cover. They’re used to scan the product at the till so a customer can buy it. Similarly, the price must also be on the product so customers are aware of the price. Plugs and pugs are extra details or deals that will attract the audience’s eyes and convince them to buy the magazine. Insets are smaller photos that are used to show other categories within the pages. Normally, insets have captions near them which explain what topics they are.

The layout of a magazine cover is important because it’s what will capture the audience’s attention and make them want to buy it. A good layout will increase the sales and magazines popularity. For example, a good layout for a cover would be to have the brands name in the biggest, boldest typeface/ text. Another good example would be to have the most popular and interesting photo/ theme as the main topic.