Hello Media Studies

I am hoping to learn the world of media.It involves many different types of aspects that we may subconiously experience in every day life. Being apart of media informs you which would make you aware and know the most important sub categories of media- Money, Institutions, Government, Audience, Distribution, Social Media, Technology, Creators.

The skills I already have is an understanding of ecology. Media will also develop and transfer skills such as creativity, and time management. Out of this course I hope to gain a further understanding on how media is used in the world and has an effect on people.

I think Media is so important especially in our modern day society as the world is becoming more distance, as it helps brings messages across to one another and makes it clear what is happening around the world, it could be big or small.

Media could develop your understanding in general Business by expanding your understanding of the general world and how different things can be vital to pursue and develop.

One way media is portrayed in through Facebook and without even realising we are creating media by liking and sharing things ect, and it teaches us skills such as communication and collaberation.


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