Brand Moodboard and Star Image

Magazine Moodboard

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I have created a moodboard on Pinterest for my chosen genre of Indie. I have included numerous images of the genre that all connote Indie, for example, front covers designs, typefaces, images/shoots, album covers etc. I will use this mood board to inspire me throughout the production of my magazine, and as something to refer to when in doubt of anything when producing it. My magazine must have the suitable conventions so that it is unique yet widely accepted by my target audience. The inspiration from this moodboard will allow me to meet my audiences expectations.

This moodboard is a good representation of my genre and brand, and it will help me in the future with my magazine because I now know the denotations that I am going to aim for (eg. soft colour palettes, unadorned facial expressions, simple design layout). These all represent the connotations of the Indie genre (eg. aesthetic, ambivalent, authentic). If I stick to the images I have included in my moodboard, my Indie magazine will be successful and accepted by my target audience.

Star Image

In order to produce a successful and effective magazine that my target audience recognise and understand, it is important to know the ins and outs of the star images of the chosen genre. Front covers of magazines are usually focused on one star image, a well known artist who has to capture the interest of my audience.

The metanarrative is the whole picture, it is what the audience perceive the star as and how the producers portray them. It is constructed through;

  • Album art
  • Music videos
  • Concerts
  • Social media posts
  • Interviews
  • Lyrics in songs
  • News/magazine images and articles

It is the metanarrative that constructs and represents the star and allows the audience to understand them. I have researched Instagram posts, news articles and reviews to explore the artist Frank Ocean. To create this I have considered the metanarrative, looked into the paradox of the star. All stars are conventional. I have begun to understand that all stars are both extraordinary (talented, amazing, inspirational) and ordinary (drive cars, have families, go shopping). Stars are both present (able to interact with them), and absent (out of reach) – they must be constructed in specific ways so that they are simultaneously someone that people look up to and are in awe of, as well as someone who appears ordinary and relatable. In this collage I have included denotations (like news headlines) and connoted them down so to fully understand who the star is. For example there is a headline of “Frank Ocean announced as the new face of Prada”. This could connote that the star is extraordinary in a sense that he is wealthy, well dressed and an inspirational fashion star. In contrast to this there is also an Instagram post that says; “be yourself and know that that’s good enough.” – connoting that he is a genuine person who knows the difficulties people may be going through due to his own life difficulties – he is relating and supporting his fans/audience. 

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