December 3

Draft Feature Article

That was my voice memo for my music magazine article. I feel that there is a lot of things I could now change.

For example:

  • the quotes I use to entice the audience
  • the grammar
  • the flow of the article
  • the harshness of the topic
  • the message that I am trying to get across
  • the punctuation


This reads well generally Imogen but I would refocus the drugs aspect and also spend more time and detail on some specific music details i.e. awards, artists and some more detail on the new album and what it is called etc with a release date. Remember there is always a hidden agenda for any artist being interviewed.

Perhaps reorganise the opening too so that you set the scene for the interview and watch the tenses too….you also have to put her story into context….i.e. Naija was prepared to reveal all in this frank relaying of the past few months. This is what she told me…word for word as we met for a smoothie at her latest favouritre health food bar….or something like that…

Bit of work to do but you have broken the back of it.  Once you have redrafted this then you can put a version of it on the blog.


  • Be more gentle with the situation since it is touchy
  • Phrase sentences better
  • Make more of a message for the fans



December 2

Language Analysis

Part of the task is to not only take the photos and do the design of the magazine; but I am also required to write a double page article, and I will be assessed on that writing.

Therefore, I need to analyse an article from a professional music magazine and consider how it is written. I will consider the target audience and evaluate how the written word (copy) fulfils their needs, uses and pleasure of this particular media text.

Previously we agreed that their needs, uses and pleasures included:

  • Up to date information (gigs, trends, available media…)
  • Fashion ideas / new looks
  • Gaining an insight into stars’ lives and personalities
  • A reflection of their own values, attitudes and beliefs


’Billboard (June 20, 2015), Don’t Look Back, Adam Lambert’

This interview in Billboard Magazine written in June 20, 2015 is called ‘Don’t Look Back’ with the artist Adam Lambert speaking about his experience working with artists and producing music. In this interview we are not aware that a journalist is there since Adam is just speaking and the journalist doesn’t say anything to him. This creates an inclusive sense like we are with the artist ourselves and we can feel involved in the fan club and all the gossip that is going on. The interview is written in 1st person which enhances the fact that we are the ones speaking to the artist so we feel wanted and important. This interview is a very personal experience for the reader which captures their interest and sparks their want to be noticed by the star in real life. There is a clear introduction and conclusion in this interview which sets the opening and closing scenes for the reader. In the intro the journalist sets the scene by telling the audience they are in a penthouse in Hollywood looking like he’s about to “kick ass”. This gets the audience interested in what Adam has to say since he seems intimidating and rebellious which is what teens look for in artists to help them stand up for themselves. The conclusion is positive and a contrast to the intro to portray that you can resolve your problems and nothing is that bad in the end. The actual interview itself creates the impression that us as the audience are involved with the celeb gossip and we get an insight to our favorite artists life. The writing of the article fits the genre of music since it is bold and smooth. There are many colors which keep the reader hooked as well. The quote “It’s hard for me to be happy” in the intro makes the audience have sympathy for the artist and read how difficult his struggles were with the world. The journalist represents the star as a wholesome, hardworking artist who loves his fans and like to take lots of different opportunities. The audience gets to learn how the artist like to critic every piece of work he does and how he is a perfectionist. The journalist presents the artist as a kind and genuine person through the soft writing and how the magazine is in 1st person.

December 1

Design Skills 1

What new design skills or production techniques have you learnt?

In Photoshop I have learnt how to brighten someones eye colour by using the dodge tool, I can take someones spots away by using the spot healing brush, I can lighten and darken my photo by experimenting with curves. I can crop the background of a photo out quickly with the quick select tool and the magic wand tool, lastly I can erase and recover the background carefully by using the eraser tool and the recover background tool. This can help with my genre of R&B because I can use bold curves to convey passion and make the picture smooth to recreate the slickness of R&B. This will also help with my narrative since my article deals with a harsh dramatic subject I can make my model look helpless by using the curves to make my model darker. This helps the representation of my star image since the effects make the photos look more professional and eye catching to an R&B audience.

In Indesign I can make text boxes. In the text boxes I can change the colour and make different gradients within the box, I do this using  the gradient swatch tool and the gradient feather tool. I can write in the text boxes, with the writing I can change the colour, the font, the size, the gaps between letters and how thick and tall the letters are. In a box I can also place photos by copying them and pasting them into the box. This can also help with my genre of R&B since I can use different colour gradients to suit the genre and use an easy to read font so the audience will want to read the magazine more. The narrative will also be helped by making the font easy to read and fix spacing and place narrative where I desire. This will make my magazine look more professional and appropriate to the genre of R&B. Using all of these techniques I can create a star image of sensitivity, passion and feeling.

What went well and even better if:

Everything seems to be working great in Photoshop and Indesign, However I should work on making all my skills work more smoothly together.

Photoshop tools:

Indesign tools:

November 27

A New Improved Front Page

This is the second draft of my music magazine BD (Breakdown):

For my second draft I have made a few changes. For example:

  • I have taken the white off the red and purple writing
  • I have changed the font of “ABE”
  • I have taken out a picture since I felt like it wasn’t adding anything to my magazine
  • I have changed the bar-code to be horizontal
  • I have made my Masthead bigger
  • I have made my Main Cover star bigger
  • I have changed the font of the Plugs

I feel like this makes my magazine come together more so it looks more professional. Everything looks like it is meant to be there.

Targets for draft 3:

  • Make the bar-code thicker
  • Make the masthead smaller since it is too close to my models eyes
  • Change the colour purple since it is clashing with the other colours
  • Make my plug bigger
  • Make my Main Cover star bigger
November 20

Draft of Front Page

This is my first draft of my front cover of my magazine:


I have used the photo of Fabrice since I feel like it has more of an R&B feel. I have made sure the photo is big and centre so all the attention is on the star. The font I have used for the Mast Head is smooth and slick like I wanted and I used the colour blue to be calm and gentle. There is plugs and pugs around the outside of the front page to advertise more artist inside the magazine, however I have tried not to add to many so they don’t take the attention away from my main cover star. I have decided to call my main cover star because it is short and catchy. This way the audience will remember and think of the artist and magazine more often.

For my next draft I would like to change the font of the Main Cover Line because I think it clashes with the Masthead too much. I will hopefully come up with some better, catchy cover lines. I will also play around with the colours since I think some of them clash. I will make my cover star and my Masthead bigger as well.


I asked another Media Student to comment on my choice of: font, photo, design and layout.

They said the magazine projected an R&B, soulful feel. They said they looked straight at the models eyes every time. He looks slick and smooth. They said the whits outline around my purple and red lines were distracting and took away from the feel. They also said that the green didn’t fit with the colour scheme so to try other colours. Finally they said that my bar-code should be chunkier and that it should be horizontal.


  • Get rid of the white surrounding the white and purple
  • Change the colour of “ABE”
  • Turn my bar-code horizontal
  • Make my Masthead bigger
  • Make my cover star bigger
November 19

First Shoot Contact Sheet(s)



I have chosen these photos because not only are they the best quality but the models are looking directly in the camera which helps to connect with the audience. They are both in striking and bold outfits which is exactly what I wanted to achieve in my photoshoot. They look glamorous with a sense of being down to earth and kind. The models look sincere and in control of their audience and fans.

November 15

Mast Head Designs

These are some of the ideas I have for my Mast Head:

My magazine is R&B so I would like a smooth and slick font to fit the genre. I want my font to be bold but be well rounded and big. Since the name of my magazine BD is an abbreviation of the word Breakdown, I want it to stand out.

November 15

So… I am ready to photograph my star.

My mission statement is:

‘Breakdown is one of the top five magazines for those who love R&B music and styles. We include top stories straight from your favourite bands and artists, the best R&B releases and exclusive interviews from those topping our charts daily and your old favourites as well. Breakdown magazine inspires passion and freedom in young adults who don’t know what to do with their lives as well as R&B fashion modelled by popular groups and soloists. We allow our readers to express themselves through everything R&B and encourage variety’

This week I have learned to use flash photography equipment. For example I have learnt:

  • how to put up a light stand
  • how to connect the light to the stand and move it up and down
  • how to connect a softbox to the light gently
  • how to test the light out
  • how to raise the brightness if needed and lower it
  • how to connect the two lights so they will go off together
  • how to connect your camera using a hotbox so your camera can go off the same time as your flash

This will help with my music magazine because it has helped me to understand the different styles and poses I could interpret. I got to see how I make something my own and make it original. You can use Mine-en-scene to convey meaning in lots of different ways. For example:

  • a story
  • an image
  • an idea  

This will have a big impact on my own planning and research because I know that I have to connect with my audience on a personal level and get them to feel different emotions by just looking at the cover of my magazine. I realize that I will not only have to use the music genre to make the magazine but that the magazine has to embody all of that specific music genre. Everything in my magazine has to correlate with each other and nothing can be put there for no reason. I want the audience to say the cover looks confident and full of emotion. This is the kind of look I would like to pull off since most R&B artists today look that way.

Richard Dyer a media theorist, decided that the paradox or riddle of the star was that they are both:

  • Extraordinary-talented, amazing
  • Ordinary-go shopping, drive cars, fail exams

And are both:

  • Present-fan sites, tweets, social media, interviews (we can interact with them)
  • Absent-concerts, interviews, TV (they are out of our reach)

As a fan we would love to meet these stars.

As a media creator I have to style these people to look like a story I am trying to tell. Every star has their own story so we want to make sure each story or narrative is unique to that star. This will entice the fans and get them invested in the star and the story.