Masthead Design

These are some of the designs that I would potentially use for my main masthead. A masthead is one of the most important features on a magazine as it distinguishes your brand and also can help attract a potential audience. When designing the masthead it’s important that it matches your genre so you wouldn’t have a sleek modern masthead for a heavy metal music magazine. This helps you audience have a preferred reading so you have to ensure the design is conventional to the genre.

This is my chosen masthead, I’ve picked this as it’s bold and modern which matches the pop genre as conventionally they use bold, contemporary fonts. But, I also made sure that it looks different as I designed the “l” in Eleven with two ones and made sure it stands out by putting them in a different colour. I will most likely change the colours of ’11’ to colour match something that my main cover star is wearing. I find this masthead looks fun while also modern which is the vibe I was aiming for.

Looking forward, I now have designed my masthead which is a very important feature and now can start thinking about other aspects

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