Final Song Choice

After getting put into groups we all had to pitch our initial ideas to each other. We collectively decided to come up with a new pitch with a new song based off one of our members pitch, working together forming new ideas for the narrative, performance and star image.

We ended up choosing the song ‘Last Friday Night’ by Katy Perry for our final song choice which will follow an illustrative narrativeĀ with anĀ anachronic structure. This song is in the pop genre with a female voice and using a synesthesia approach we collectively brain stormed words that come to word when listening to the music and lyrics. We chose this song as we were all familiar with it, and it fits the party narrative we all were keen on producing. The song is easy to lip sync to which will be beneficial for our performer and very upbeat and fun which is conventional to the genre. We picked the mis-en-scene to keep within the party narrative baring in mind it also needs to fit the pop genre so one example is we chose bright coloured lighting like pinks and blues to connote a fun party.

Now that we completed our final pitch the next step was to sell our vision to our teacher, presenting our power point aiming to convince her on our idea for the narrative, performance and star image we want to achieve.


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