Narrative in the Dark Knight

Remember Narrative? – The Study of Stories…
Narrative Revision
Task 1

In pairs or three review the previous posts on narrative; summarise for each other and then a whole class discussion.

Narrative Part 1

Narrative Part 2

Narrative Part 3

Task 2

Complete a narrative analysis of The Dark Knight

Independent Study

Watch this video essay and summarise the key points in 5 bullet points, in your reflective journal, on the nature of The Joker as the ultimate antagonist.

Lessons from the Screenplay. (2016). The Dark Knight — Creating the Ultimate Antagonist. [Online Video]. 23 August 2016. Available from: [Accessed: 17 December 2020].


Complete a narrative analysis of The Dark Knight.

Take a copy of this slide show and then:

  • Explore the degree to which TDK conforms to the the hero’s journey.
  • Identify the characters with narrative function and consider to what degree they conform to or subvert expectations.

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