Comparative Video Essay Deadlines

Below are the interim deadlines and meeting dates for the comparative video essay.

Please ensure that you meet these deadlines to avoid angst, stress and suffering!

Formal Meetings.

The IB require that we have three formal meetings with each student to discuss progress. Notes from these meetings are submitted to the IB along with the final video essay. Here is a link to the form that your teacher will complete after each meeting.

Meeting 1. Agree the comparative essay video question:
  • Week Beginning Monday 27th September
Meeting 2. Feedback on the draft script:
  • Week Beginning Monday 8th November
Meeting 3. Feedback on the draft of the video essay:
  • Week Beginning Monday 29th November


Primary & Secondary Research:
  • 15th October
Essay Structure (including notes, quotes and screenshots):
  • 22nd October
Draft Script:
  • Friday 5th November
Final Script:
  • Friday 19th November
Voice over recorded
  • Friday 26th November
Draft Video Essay:
  • Friday 3rd December
Final Deadline: Video Essay + List of Sources
  • Friday 17th December

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