Horror Conventions Recap

Today we are considering conventional features of a horror film

Learning Intention:
  1. To understand and describe how German Expressionist cinematic techniques were the prototype for horror films.
  2. To identify specific micro features specific to the horror genre in order to create generic blueprint for your short film.

We will watch Suckablood (BC Horror) in class and use this to consider how the cinematography, editing, sound and mise-en-scene are conventional of the horror genre and also influenced by German Expressionism.

  • Framing & Angle
  • Composition
  • Movement
  • Lighting
Sound design and music:
  • Diegetic: Foley & Dialogue
  • Non-diegetic: Music & Sound Effects
  • Continuity / Montage
  • Cutting for scares
  • Colour Grading
  • Effects
Mise-en-Scene (Director):
  • Costume
  • Action
  • Makeup & Hair
  • Props
  • Setting
Present your findings

Use a copy of this slide show to present your findings, these should be developed in your inquiry page for your horror film.

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