My Tour Poster

I created a mood board compiling different tour posters from metal bands to give me inspiration and further my knowledge of what a metal tour poster consists of. I went for a more modern style metal rather than old school style due to modern metal’s more industrial look. I realised that although these posters have a more modern feel, the theme of red and black remains prevalent so I carried that forward in my magazine. I also noticed that these tour posters had some sort of graphic/emblem rather than a model which is a more modern feature rather than and old school feature. I decided to do a mix of both modern and old school metal and this is the product.

Having now completed my tour poster, I have a variety of new skills that I can use in future for my music magazine. I can now understand the importance of genre conventions, AIDA, fonts, colour and imagery and how they can communicate to the audience what the intended genre of the magazine is. Now that I have tried creating a tour poster and used skills taught to us such as cutting out and adding different effects and layers, I feel more confident in my ability to make a successful music magazine with all the correct conventions of the genre as well as feeling like I have more freedom and flexibility to truly convey my ideas without limitations due to not knowing how to navigate these softwares.

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