Chosen Adverts

Music Magazine

Businesses will only pay for an advert in a magazine if it fits their target audience. For example, a beauty brand its going to put their advert in a football magazine as they know that the primary audience is not going to the same.

I have had to use the demographics and psychographics of rap or drill listeners to get adverts that appeal to the correct audience.

Advert 1

I have chosen Coca Cola as one of adverts as many people like Coca Cola and it appeals to a wider target audience. This is good because it means that whoever reads the advert is going to be interested in the advert. They will sponsor my magazine because they are a big company and have enough money to pay £100,000 to gain more sales.


Advert 2

I have chosen the Kanye West ‘Stronger’ poster as it it relevant to rap and is a music related advert. It will get people to listen to Kanye’s song in a familiar poster that was used during the war which means that people have seen this format before which has a chance to increase his revenue so I am sure that he will be delighted to pay £100,000 to put an advert in my magazine.

I appreciate that this isn’t going to be marked but for the purposes of presentation, having an extra page in the magazine and helping me make the Flipsnack platform work better. Nonetheless it was an interesting exercise in reaffirming that I know who exactly my target audience are

Magazine Draft 3

Music Magazine

My Cover Page – Draft 3

Click the image to see the PDF


What’s New?

  • I made the orange stripe look better and more centered around the text
  • I added a dollar sign next to the price
  • I organised the pug and made the text fit in the lines
  • I changed the text colour on pug to white
  • I moved the date and price to make them look better


My Contents Page – Draft 3

Click the image to see the PDF


What’s New?

  • I updated the drop shadow on the text
  • I changed the colour of the writers message to the reader
  • I added more white
  • I changed the layout of the page numbers
  • I have added the page number to the page


DPS – Draft 3

Click the image to see the PDF


What’s New?

  • I made the dollar sign yellow
  • I made the byline more legible
  • I made the third line of the title less squished
  • I changed the quote font
  • I changed the position of stand firs


Teacher’s Feedback

With listening to my teachers screen castify these are the changes I have made:

Click the image to see the PDF

Front Cover

  • Sorted out pug
  • Moved text to make the model less dark
  • Made banner narrower
  • Added another cover line
  • Made some cover lines yellow


Click the image to see the PDF

Contents Page

  • Lighted the image
  • Changed the font
  • Added a caption for the model
  • Sorted out alignment of the cover lines
  • Added a signature of the editor
  • Changed the editors notes


Click the image to see the PDF


  • Moved the quote down the page
  • Made column the same width
  • Made the article title a better size

2nd Draft of My Contents Page

Music Magazine

My Contents Page

Click on the image to see the PDF


What’s New?

  • I completely revamped the design
  • Used a different photo
  • Added the same faded orange stripe that was on my front cover
  • Added a border around the model to make her stand out
  • Updated the fonts


What’s Next?

  • Update the drop shadow on the text
  • Change the colour of the writers message to the reader
  • Try to add more white
  • Change the layout of the page numbers
  • Add the page number to the page

2nd Draft of My Front Cover

Music Magazine

My Front Cover

Click on the image to see the PDF


What’s New?

  • Some of the fonts have changed to make the cover more interesting
  • I highlighted the key words in the cover lines to draw the readers attention
  • White outline of the model to make him stand out
  • A faded orange stripe to highlight the text
  • Moved the pug down to the bottom left


What’s Next?

  • Make the orange stripe look better
  • Pound or dollar sign
  • Pug needs organising
  • Change text colour on pug to white
  • Organise date and price

1st Draft of Double Page Spread

Music Magazine

Double Page Spread

Please click the image to see the PDF



This is the first draft of my double page spread, I think that I came out well and I like how everything is laid out. The edited colours makes the image stand out more and your eyes are drawn towards the piercing blue eyes to try and establish a connect with the star. This makes the article fell more personal and allows for a better read.

I also like how headline alternates the colours and associated with playing cards, this further illustrates the “gambling” theme of the article. This makes the reader intrigued to see what the star is gambling for and about. This entices the reader to read the article and look up who the star is and what sone they are going to be releasing.

Although it is a good, there are some things that I need to improve to make it better:

  • The article is not the correct length so I will need to extend the article and make it fit the space better.
  • I need to go through the article and make sure that it makes sense and that I haven’t missed out any words.
  • If I can make the body of text bolder then it will be better but if not then it is okay how it is.
  • I would like to add more a gradient in the background from top to bottom so that it flows with the movement of your eyes when reading the text.
  • One of the paragraphs is slightly too big.

With these ideas in mind I need to go back into InDesign and make these changes where appropriate to improve the design of my double page spread.  My second draft will be a better copy of this draft with a few changes to make it more conventional but also personal to me.

Second Shoot Contact Sheets

Music Magazine

Contact Sheets

This is the second photo shoot that I have done. This shoot went very well as I managed to get a very diverse selection of photos, I managed to get some that are very well lit and some that are more moody. This makes it easier as I have a better selection of photos that I can use.

In this shoot we had to have a normal set of photos and a set of ‘Phunky Photos’, the phunky photos we using props and items that tells a story through the use of imagery. This is to make it easier to write an article about the image. For my chunky photo I used some cards and stuck them to a thin wire to make it look like the cards were spanned out around my models head. This came out really well and I am really pleased with the results.

I will be using Image 305 as it has a perfect angle through the cards whilst also showing the models face and a bit of her outfit. You can see the image below.

And I edited the image to look like this:

I edited this photo as it makes it more unique and different to other photos that I have used, this makes it stand out more than the others as it has many special effects.

This will help with my double page spread as I now know where I can position all of my key conventions to around the image. As this is the most eye-catching convention on the screen I need to make it into the centre of attention and I can do this by positioning everything else around it.

Production Meeting Agenda for 2nd Photo Shoot

Music Magazine

Production Meeting Agenda

For my second photo shoot I am going to be using playing cards to frame the shot and make it look more interesting. I will making my model wear generic female rap clothing like joggers and a hoodie. This makes it relevant to my genre but also adds a twist to make it stand out and more interesting. This also gives me the chance to make a story for my article and make it jokey like in a real magazine.

Please click the image to the inspiration video. Credit @sidemen on TikTok

This inspiration will help me to make my first draft of my double page spread as it gives me a focal point for the reader to see and gives me a story to revolve my article around. This will make me one step closer to finishing and making an actual music magazine.

Draft Feature Article

Music Magazine


During the planning the article I had to make up an exciting story for my model to be a part of and what props I want to use for my photoshoot. I have made them correspond to each other as it makes it easier to visualise what the story is about.

The Article – 1st Draft


Knight$’ Gamble with the New Single

Knight$ is planning on releasing a new single to her diehard fans but she is contemplating on whether it is a bad idea. Many of her fans are begging her to release the new song but she might need a lot of persuasion. Although no name has been released yet a teaser for the track was to see what the public think of it.

Knight$ is an upcoming artist and has released multiple albums and singles to the public which has accumulated thousands of fans around the world. We have had a chat with the star and they said “It is completely different to anything that I have ever released, I normally release Pop type tracks but this new music I don’t know how the public will react.

I asked her a few questions in a café in the local area and she gave us some good information. Firstly, I asked her what she is so worried about with this new single. she told me: “my fans are so use to seeing me live on stage with stars like Dua Lipa and Ed Sheeran but this time I am collaborating with with people from a completely different genre so I don’t know how people are going to react to it, I hope that they are going to love it”.

Secondly, I asked her about what she is going to do if it fails, she told us: “I will be slightly upset but I will go back to my original genre of music where everyone knows me and how my music sounds, but if it goes well then you will expect to see me collaborating with many other rappers in the future”.

So, will Knight$ hit the jackpot with her debut rap single featuring big artists from the genre or will she play her cards incorrectly and make it flop? We will keep you updated on the release date and how the public reacts to this new single so stay tuned.

For my second draft I need to go back through the article and make sure that it makes sense and change some phrases to make it sounds a little bit better.

The Article 2nd Draft

Knight$’ Gamble with the New Single

Knight$ is planning on releasing a new single to her diehard fans but she is contemplating on whether it is a bad idea. Many of her fans are begging her to release the new song but she might need a lot of persuasion. Although no name has been released yet a teaser for the track was released on her Instagram to see what the public think of it.

Knight$ is an upcoming artist and has released multiple albums and singles to the public which has accumulated thousands of fans around the world. We have had a chat with the star and she said “It is completely different to anything that I have ever released, I normally release Pop type music but this new track I don’t know how the public will react.

I asked her a few questions in a café in the local area and she gave us some good information. Firstly, I asked her what she is so worried about with this new single. she told me: “my fans are so use to seeing me live on stage with stars like Dua Lipa and Ed Sheeran but this time I am collaborating with people from a completely different genre so I don’t know how people are going to react to it, I hope that they are going to love it because I really enjoyed making it”.

Secondly, I asked her about what she is going to do if it fails, she told us: “I will be slightly upset but I will go back to my original genre of music where everyone knows me and how my music sounds, but if it goes well then you can expect to see me collaborating with many other rappers in the future”.

So, will Knight$ hit the jackpot with her debut rap single featuring big artists from the genre or will she play her cards incorrectly and make it flop? We will keep you updated on the release date and how the public reacts to this new single so stay tuned.

The Article Final Draft

Knight$’ Gamble with the New Single

Knight$ is planning on releasing a new single to her diehard fans but she is contemplating on whether it is a bad idea. Many of her fans are begging her to release the new song but she might need a lot of persuasion.

Although no name has been released yet a teaser for the track was released on her Instagram to see what the public think of it.

Knight$ is an upcoming artist and has released multiple albums and singles to the public which has accumulated millions of fans around the world. We here at The Mandem with the star in between her busy appearances and recording sessions and she laid out her true feelings about the single, she said “It is completely different to anything that I have ever released, I normally release Pop type music but this new track I don’t know how the public will react.”

I asked her a few questions in a café in the local area and she gave us some good information. I also asked her what she is so worried about with this new single she continued by saying: “my fans are so use to seeing me live on stage with stars like Dua Lipa and Ed Sheeran but this time I am collaborating with people from a completely different genre so I don’t know how people are going to respond to it, I hope that they are going to love it because I really enjoyed making it”.

and when pushed about the prospect of it failing, she was candid about her possible reaction. “I will be slightly upset but I will go back to my original genre of music where everyone knows me and how my music sounds, but if it goes well then you can expect to see me collaborating with many other rappers in the future”.

So, will Knight$ hit the jackpot with her debut rap single featuring big artists from the genre or will she play her cards incorrectly and make it flop? We will keep you updated on the release date and how the public reacts to this new single so don’t forget to order the next edition of The Mandem

Language Analysis

Music Magazine

Language Analysis of Album Review


Reference the article you are analysing

  • Reference the name of the magazine, date, title of the article and the author, e.g.

Billboard – Album Review (June 20, 2020)





  1. Is there evidence of the journalistic technique 5 W’s & an H?

I am analysing an article that was featured the Billboard magazine. The article is and album review on Hudmo’s new album. The album reviews were written by Meaghan Garvey, Jem Aswad and Clover Hope. The reviews of albums have been constructed so people might be interested in what the writers have to say. This information can be found on the second page of the article. This article was published on June 20th 2020 and is an honest review of the album and recommend whether you should listen to the music or not. This is done by the writing giving an honest opinion about what they like and dislike about the music.


2. Using the article you have chosen, address the following features of the writing:


  • Structure of article (is it an interview, a Q&A, a biography, a review…)
    • How do you know? 

This article is a review, I know this because there are star ratings before peoples comments


  • How is it laid out?

It is laid out very orderly and is easy to follow


  • Are you aware of the presence of journalists?
    • How can you tell?

There is no presence of the journalist as it is about the album not the journalist.


  • What is the impact of that?

This allows for the review to seem genuine so the journalist doesn’t steal the limelight.


  • What person is it written in – 1st or 3rd and what is the impact of this?

3rd Person – this means the journalist reports what the people have said  


  • Is there a clear introduction and conclusion?

There is no clear introduction and conclusion as it doesn’t need them


3. What is your sense of the location / event / person that the journalist is writing about? How is this achieved?

    • What sorts of words are used and what impression do they create? Look for the rule of 3’s? (adjectives often)




  • What quotes are used and why?

“…to push buttons [and] scare off the people who are going to be scared off…”

“Let the grass just grow…”

“Maybe for a minute I got too big for my britches”

“the journey of a human, from their abandonment and loss of hope to their indoctrination by the system to be a human drone”



The writers represents their star as a good musician whilst also giving constructive criticism as well. This is effective as it tells us that is the writers honest opinion of the music and they aren’t just saying it to boost the confidence of the artist. This article doesn’t have a clear standfirst or byline but does have the names of the people reviewing the music. There is a variety of quotes such as “Let the grass just grow…”. This article is a great example uses and gratification by causing social interaction, being informative, being entertaining and personal identity.