Media Ecology

Media impacts on society’s understanding, perception, feelings and values and is clearly a really influential industry that impacts the whole world.

Media Ecology is ‘the study of media, technology, and communication and how they affect human environments.’ There are many components of ecology in the media environment that are all interconnected; therefore the system cannot function without all of the components.

These elements have a symbiotic relationship in their ecosystem, similar to natural ecosystems. The media ecosystem consists of these elements: money, audience, government, technology, creators, social media, distribution and institutions, these are all interdependent of each other.

For example, an audience may hear about an institution through social media, and spend money on it, helping that institution pay there creators, however they cannot make money if they do not follow government laws.

In the future, I now know that if I where to make my own media text, I cannot do it in isolation and must plan and think carefully about all the components in media ecology.


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