Media Ecology

Media ecology is the study of media, technology and communication and how they affect human environments. It presents media through eight elements that are crucial for media to be successful and one element cannot work without the seven others, making them interdependent. These eight interconnected elements are:


My poster shows how distribution is affected by these eight elements. I believe that the government, creators and money are the most important elements for distribution to go ahead. Our government determines what will and will not be distributed, creators make the content and media to be distributed and money is the driving factor for all elements of media. The government can heavily influence our society’s perception on media and creators are responsible for society’s opinions and feelings on current media.

Media impacts on society’s understanding of all issues, events and stories circulated through the media that our society consumes everyday. It is down to the distributors to decide if something will be negative or positive before distributing it for the world to see. We most probably read, hear and watch bias, false or incorrect information everyday.

This research will be very beneficial when I’m making my music magazine, I will make sure to use catchy headlines and interesting stories about the creators in my magazine to engage my audience and make distribution easier on social media platforms. This will ensure I make a good amount of money to grow my music magazine and distribute it again.

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