Tour posters may look like they are just a photograph with some information, however each small detail is vital in representing the message and brand the artist wants to create. In this case I looked at the Harry Styles 2021 tour poster and I wrote about and expanded on 6 different connotations I gathered from the denotations on the poster. I found that many of the choices Harry Styles made when creating this poster signified the same message: acceptance and being who you are.

A massive part of Harry’s brand is normalising different sexualities and genders without being ashamed as well as going against societal norms, he cleverly displayed this narrative throughout the poster. By wearing typically feminine clothes he is combating toxic masculinity. Also by using blue and pink in the background (the two colours associated with each gender) he is implying it’s okay to be gender fluid and express aspects of both genders when being yourself. Overall the poster is bright, vibrant and happy; each small detail contributes to this feeling.

Deconstructing the poster in depth was very useful, it proves that all media text is produced with the intent of sending a message and every detail is extremely important. When I produce media in the future I will focus on one main message and make sure everything down to the background colours relate to it- like Harry Styles’ tour poster above- considering what thoughts each detail will connote. If I were to design a tour poster aimed towards teenagers I would use big, bold text and small snippets of information (similar to the poster above) to ensure my target audience isn’t overwhelmed by large bulks of writing. I will think carefully about mise-en-scene and how each of the 6 elements play a crucial roll in portraying the desired theme and reaching the target audience.


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