Above I have embedded my analysis of Calvin Harris (a famous EDM music artist) in the public eye, focussing on how his star image is presented to the public and perceived by his fans. I found the most common connotations of Calvin harris were humble, kind and I noticed he is represented as being more ordinary than extraordinary. He is often photographed by the paparazzi in loungewear leading to him holding a relatable and friendly; therefore ordinary image; to his audience. However he has attended the grammys and many other large music award events, this feeds into him being extraordinary and when he is pictured on the red carpet he holds a sense of arrogance, these adjectives are a more accurate representation of the usual conventions of a star/celebrity. When I analysed Calvin Harris I made sure to also talk about all the denotations: clothes, location, facial expression and context, ensuring to create a strong initial understanding for the repertoire of elements I went on to discuss.



Above are are three slides I have created as a plan for my music magazine photoshoot, I have spoken about all aspects including: costume, makeup, lighting, angles, props, setting, accessories and dynamics. I dedicated one slide to costume alone because I felt this part was more important when researching the genres aesthetic. I have also spoken about it throughout the two other slides and put these parts in bold so they can be identified easily, I commented on costume I liked that had been used in the photos I used for other sections of research and what I might take inspiration from for my photoshoot; iridescent clothes, puffer coat, sunglasses etc.

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