This slide is filled with magazine front covers I will take inspiration from when creating my own. They all hold the same design conventions of having neon colour palette, an eye catching cover model clearly representing their own star image and some include graphics that follow the colour palette and upbeat mood initially created . I like the LED light effect that has been used on the models faces which contrasts with the usually plain black background. Using a black background will make my model and neon text stand out. I will also take inspiration from the lighting effects, some of the magazines I have displayed mix natural lighting with neon strobe lighting, this creates depth and shadows and I will aim to use this kind of technique when I edit my front cover photo.

I really like the basic yet individual font in the mastheads, this isn’t fancy but it will clearly be associated with this magazine. I think the more basic font especially in the cover lines and captions allows the colours to pop and stand out even more, connoting the EDM vibe. The layout of each magazine is clear, with the model in the centre taking up the majority of the magazine and small blocks of text placed evenly around the page; I like this simplistic layout because I think it contrasts with the chaotic, busy EDM music. Photo manipulation has been cleverly used in all of the magazine covers I have included. It has been used to: add in lighting special effects (strobe, natural, UV etc), blur and distort the main image creating depth and dimension, put text boxes in front of or behind the main star image and to remove the backgrounds of images to be left with a plain (usually black) background for a fresh, clean canvas.

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