What type of shots have been used to create a variety of shot distances and how has the camera been used to communicate meaning?  

A mid shot has been used to capture both the models’ facial expressions as well as costume/props to allow us to see meaning and a representation of the chosen genre of music.  For example, in terms of costume/props the use of headphones show a musical and retro style relevant to the chosen genre of music (EDM). Similarly facial expressions also share the same qualities and by successfully capturing both these conventions in a mid shot  it allows an audience to recognise the genre and thoroughly analyse the models with one glance.

What choice of Mise en scene is appropriate for the star image and genre?

The costume used/worn by the model is relevant  and appropriate to the chosen genre of music. The sequin top worn by the model is an example of this. It conveys the style of music as well as ‘making an appearance’. This allows for a more interesting show, enhancing the target audience.  The retro glasses also help to convey this as it links with the clubbing/EDM style.         

How far is the font used readable and reflects the genre

The main font is big and bold. This not only displays the title (CONTENTS) but also creates a statement. It shows us the reputation they are trying to represent, for example exquisit and ‘hard-going’. The smaller fonts also match the style,  as well as being easy to read this makes for a more simple yet effective way of informing the audience reading. 

What technical conventions of a Contents page are present and used effectively?  

The colour scheme  used (Purple, white etc..) is conventional to the genre of music. This is because EDM is often associated with making the audience feel relaxed and melow.  It is also scientifically proven to trigger the release of high doses of dopamine in the brain which is the ‘feel good’ feeling. Therefore by using purple (A colour represented with creativity, calmness etc…) this helps to dynamically create that mood overall enhancing the target audience.

How has Indesign been used to layout the page to convey a brand

The unique layout of the page allows the use of insects and other technical design elements to surround the title without complicating the page; this allows for an easy read to help with the navigation and advertisement of stories, articles etc… The title has been designed slanted in a way to make the audience feel ‘different’ It shows a unique and retro feel which conveys the genre.

How well have the text and visuals been integrated together?

The use of little or few fonts has allowed the contents page to be read with ease. The over complication of too many fonts can override the aspect of the magazine, therefore by using few fonts this makes the magazine look flush and professional. The colour palette has also been considered. By using one or few colours similarly to the fonts, this helps to make the magazine look less complicated, overall making the magazine look professional. 

Where has photoshop been used to manipulate the photos to enhance the star image or genre? 

Photoshop has been used well to sharpen the model and props. The use of outlining and cropping to be placed over a background has been used exceptionally and is unnoticeable even close up. However, the images are dark making the models difficult to see, this could be corrected by contrast and light levels. Using good photoshop skills overall makes the magazine look good, this is clearly represented and shown in this contents page by successfully sharpening and cropping. 

 How is the language used appropriate for the genre and target audience?

The use of language has been chosen to appropriately match the chosen genre of music. By including other famous/popular EDM stars within the contents page allows an easy spot for a target audience. This also helps to attract other non EDM fans as by using popular stars with catchy headlines entices other readers into taking a copy.  


  • Make my images lighter so that they are more eye catching
  • Improve cutout lines, they are sometimes a little temperamental because of lighting used
  • Remove the lines behind CONTENTS title
  • Make the rings reflect more
  • Have the models eyes looking at the camera

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