The aim of this language analysis was to explore how journalists use AIDA and different technical language techniques specific to magazine articles to entice the readers and sell the magazine as effectively as possible. The Uses and Gratification theory by Blumler and Katz is relevant because it investigates how social interaction, personal identity, information and entertainment influence media; in this case magazine articles.



The article I analysed was ‘Cash For Questions this month with Alt-J’. I focussed on analysing a Q&A, the social interaction is shown by the journalist meeting the band and asking questions for them to answer whilst the personal identity comes in from the band having a unique music style.  The information is clearly displayed throughout the whole article when the reader gives background knowledge in the introduction and we also learn during the main substance of the article which is the Q&A. Lastly the entertainment comes from the candid speech and incorporated humour throughout the interview style Q&A and this will engage the reader and make the target audience buy the magazine again.

The headline is bold and this ensures the article’s title will be remembered as it is a series done every month with a different band- a clever way to create intrigue that I can take inspiration from. ‘Cash For Questions’ is a hook and this catchy name for a feature of the magazine done every month is a USP. The standfirst in this article was powerfully used and the background knowledge the journalist has included of the band lets the reader know the article is worth reading. The bold questions in presented as subheadings by the editor is important because it grabs your eye and is a quick way of scanning the article to find out what it entails; otherwise known as a call to action.


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