Draft 3 Of All Pages

Screen Castify

This is a screen castify which gives me an overview of what I can improve within my music magazine.


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What’s new?

I changes a lot between my second and third draft after looking at more expamples of front covers and realising it was not busy enough for a EDM front cover.

  • I added features such as ‘Top 20 Inside’ which helps show my range of skills on indesign
  • Adding lots of cover lines on both sides of my front cover made it a lot more busy and gave a lot more of an insight to what is included in my magazine
  • I changed my background as the plain background was quite bland and this graphic background I created on photoshop gives a ‘rave’ effect to my cover

What’s next?

  • I am not completely happy with the typefaces and layout of my coverlids on the left
  • I need to enlarge my title so that it is the main focus of the front cover and not fighting with the main cover line
  • I am also going to put ‘Spotify’ in the actual Spotify logo type face as an additional feature
  • I also need to check my wording for my headlines ad I do not want to overuse words like ‘exclusive’
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What’s new?

  • I added a tinted slash through the corner of my contents  page to add dynamics
  • I also played around with my cover lines and page numbers adding more colour and strikes to make them stand out more
  • Rearranging the ‘B2B’ logo to where there was more space

What’s next?

  • I am going to try and cut out my background image as I think It would look better put onto a contrasting background
  • I also do not need to date at the top of my contents page so am going to remove that and possibly re-arrange the ‘overload’ logo into the top right
  • I am going to add a page number under the ‘B2B’ logo to link it with the cover line
  • I need to ensure that all of my columns are lined up
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What’s new?

  • I added a heading to my model to link her with the article
  • I also added a album cover which is the album mentioned in my article
  • Another feature I added was more straight lines on the other side of the model which gives more business and details to my ups

What’s next?

  • I am going to try moving ‘LUCE’ to the bottom of the model as this area is boring
  • I also need to enlarge my heading to make it stand out even more
  • I am going to play around with my article text and try justifying the second column to the right

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