Horror Planning

Storyboard – Use this document to visualise each shot. How are you going to frame each shot and how do you see your edit developing (match on action, eye line match, shot reverse shot, 180 degree rule, reaction shots, close ups on key objects…) Here is a document which explains the function and design of a storyboard.

An alternative to the very formal storyboard, which can be inflexible. Is to create a postit note storyboard. Each postit note is a shot, which contains your shoot planning ideas. You should mount these in order on a large (A2) piece of paper. This method allows you to make changes to your storyboard.

Here is an example for a student horror film:

Is a storyboard artist a screenwriter?


Shot List – Use this to plan out your filming. Use it later to organise your shoot so that you film your film in a practical order.

Sound spotting list – Use this document to list the sounds that you would like to record on location. This should include (ambient, footsteps, dialogue, key props…)

Production Meeting Agenda – Use this document as a discussion and organisational document. Who is going to bring which props and costumes. Also, who will film what and when.

Please complete this document with requests for mise-en-scene that you are not able to provide as a group.

Adding requests to this does not guarantee that you will get the item of costume or prop, so you must also have a discussion with Miss Hales or Mr Gregson.

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