Distance Learning

Hi Film Peeps, So, that was unexpected! We will be preparing distance learning materials to roll out on Tuesday morning. In the meantime you should ensure that your continuity pages, and if possible reel are submitted via Classroom. We will almost certainly be pivoting to looking at German Expressionism and the impact on horror films.… Read more Distance Learning

Sound 101

We have already done some basic exploration of sound when we did the Foley sound exercise. This week we are going to go into much more detail in terms of how to describe sound in film and analyse the meaning (emotion) communicated. You will be completing an analysis for independent study. Terms You need to… Read more Sound 101

Cinema Stories

On Wednesday 20th January 19.00 – 22.00, Candie Gardens Cinema the Film, Psychology & Sociology departments will be hold the second in our series of Cinema Stories. The screening will followed by a panel discussion in the issues raised in the film. Moonlight (2017) Jenkins Trailer Book Click here to book a free ticket

Continuity Editing Task

 Creative Intention for the week To film and edit a continuity sequence that builds to a tense climax. Use filming and editing to maintain continuity of space and time. Portfolio Page This page must will be split into three sections: 1) Inquiry Extension: Find Continuity Edits in Hell’s Club Identify two examples of each… Read more Continuity Editing Task

Editing 101

Editing, the connectives in Film Language Think of cut as connectives in a sentence …so, and, then, but, however, meanwhile… How then does does editing create meaning if it’s just simply links in the film? Well first of all, the edit constructs the meaning in the minds of the audience. Task 1 Recap by defining… Read more Editing 101

Advanced Cinematography

INQUIRY The Rules of Composition in Cinematography are described and exemplified in this video: Class Presentation on Composition in Film Use this link to edit Mr G Miss H Reflective journal Embed this slideshow in your reflective journal as a new post called Advanced Cinematography. Select 3 frames from one or more of the cinematographers… Read more Advanced Cinematography

Textual Analysis of The Joker

The Joker represents, ‘…the spirit of terrorism. The embodiment of anarchy and chaos of a particularly destructive and nihilistic nature’ Douglas Kellner – Cinema Wars Analyse Christopher Nolan’s use of cinematography & mise-en-scene in one of the six sequences below in order to answer the following question… How does Christopher Nolan use mise-en-scene and cinematography… Read more Textual Analysis of The Joker