Dark Knight – Dark Ideas

TASK Read, discuss, understand this key note article on Batman by Pete Turner. Some terminology to define before we read: Ideology Socio-Political Context Vigilante Dominant Hegemony Authoritarianism Dichotomy Read the article aloud around the class. Stop/start discussion on the article and specific sections of it: Vigilantism, justice and vengeance By any means necessary – the… Read more Dark Knight – Dark Ideas

Batman Evolves

‘The world about us has changed and is continually changing at an ever-accelerating pace. So have we. With the increase in media coverage and information technology, we see more of the world, comprehend its workings a little more clearly, and as a result our perception of ourselves and the society surrounding us has been modified.… Read more Batman Evolves

Archetypes in Film (Heroes and Villains)

Archetypes in literature are fundamental or prototypical characters that are used in stories. They have recurred in literature and art since the earliest writing. “They personify universal patterns of human behaviour.” Film uses and reuses archetypes in various forms and with varying degrees of nuance, between realism and hyperbole. In this exploration of Batman the… Read more Archetypes in Film (Heroes and Villains)

Watch The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight (2008) Nolan Is our next study text. Please make sure you have watched the entire film ahead of our study which starts during the week beginning 23rd November. There are several copies in the library or you can watch the movie here:

Foley. Diegetic Sound

Inquiry An Illustration of Foley Foley Explained Using Film Maker IQ video above explain purpose and process of Foley sound in 3-5 bullet points in the inquiry section of your portfolio page. Action – Task Creative Intention: To record Foley sound for a short sequence in order to create a soundscape that adds a sinister and scary atmosphere.… Read more Foley. Diegetic Sound

Lighting and Colour

Inquiry Lighting Three Point Lighting in a Studio. Roger Deakins on Light Colour as Metaphor Portfolio Page Inquiry Describe the setup and function of the three point lighting system. High-key lighting Low-key lighting Expressive colour Describe some of the techniques that gaffers and best boys use to ‘paint with light’: Flags Gobos Diffusers Reflectors Coloured… Read more Lighting and Colour

Editing & Meaning

Editing, the connectives in Film Language Think of cut as connectives in a sentence…. …so, and, then, but, however, meanwhile… How then does does editing create meaning if it’s just simple links in the film? Well first of all, the cut constructs meaning in the minds of the audience. Introducing……The Kuleshov Effect Inquiry Understand the… Read more Editing & Meaning