Cinema Stories

In partnership with the Psychology and Sociology department we are pleased to announce the first in the series of Cinema Stories. We will be screening a notable film and will then hold a 30 minute Q&A discussion with a panel of experts on film and on the issues and topics explored in the movie. The… Read more Cinema Stories

Genre Part 1

Terms to Learn Generic Conventions, Repertoire of Elements Genre is like a cake… When you make a cake you follow a recipe, in films the recipe is called the repertoire of elements. Most cakes use the same basic ingredients, same as in a genre film, these same ingredients are called generic conventions.  ‘Genre is similarity… Read more Genre Part 1

Your Film Blog

Whilst our blog is a way of sharing ideas and resources with you. You also need to record your exploration of film, your experiences of being a creative film maker and reflections on your learning. This individual and personal record is called, ‘The Reflective Journal’. Here is an example from last year. This journal will… Read more Your Film Blog

Favourite Films

Terms to Learn: Genre, Narrative, Star, Auteur, Franchise What’s the best film you have watched this year (so far)? What were the reasons you loved it so much? These reasons often are something to do with the… MACRO FEATURES…  Task (Complete for Independent Study) Create a slide like the one below of your favourite film.… Read more Favourite Films