Social Media Marketing Timeline

To create a successful campaign it was important to create a timeline of all the post/stories we will upload leading up to the release of the album.

From researching other pop artists and looking at how they promoted their album releases we have carefully crafted a conventional promotional timeline as well as adding some extra non conventional features like our competition or live stream listening party for the fans to further amplify AIDA (attraction, interest, desire, action) and to ensure we stand out to an audience.


  • To really push our USP of being a retro-pop album we will make sure all our marketing posts are cohesive to this brand identity perhaps introducing elements of nostalgia within our media language choices in posters or teaser trailers.
  • Teaser trailers using the instagram reels feature will be seen within our campaign will add a more dynamic, interesting and entertaining ways to promote the album rather than just normal posts/behind the scene pictures
  • We are planning on doing a merch design competition were we will get fans to design some merch with the winner getting free concert tickets.
  • We have included some aspects of synergy with clothing/fragrance brand collaborations with Juicy Couture which is a brand that fits the nostalgic vibe of our campaign- this is a way to reinforce an audience personal identity (Blumler and Katz).
  • We have also included some cross media convergence to promote the album with having an appearance on a talk show as well as featuring in a magazine- sharing sneak peaks of the upcoming album release.
  • We will be doing Q&A sessions on our artists instagram stories as it’s a way for the audience to have social interaction (Blumler and Katz) with the star also constructing this ordinary star image (Dyer) 
  • Once the album has been released, to further promote our star will be hosting a live listening party on instagram live stream were fans can join and listen to the album with the star allowing them to comment, talk and share their opinions to other fans as well as the artist

Thinking forward, we decided to move the album sneak peak/release date to the second post as we believed this is the most efficient way of promoting the album and gaining attraction as well as excitement for the album. Now we have a plan we can begin populating the social media page and start designing our promotional posts.

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