Film Genre

A possible approach to the Comparative Video Essay is Genre. Here is a reminder of how we use genre to study films: Intro to Genre in Film: Remember, genre is a comparative essay studying two films in the same genre. Often these films, as per the rules of the comparative essay, are separated by time… Read more Film Genre

Film Movements

Watch this: From this video you will be given one film movement which we would like to learn more about for the benefit of the whole class. TIP: Most of the answers to your research are in the video. Find a second secondary research source that introduces and explains the film movement you have been… Read more Film Movements

Film Recap

How we study a film: Example: Slumdog Millionaire (2008) Doyle: The context and macro analysis have been done for you below… your teacher will talk you through it: Your Micro Analysis. Remember TEAS: Identify the term used to describe the micro technique. Name a specific example from the sequence. Analyse the meaning / impact for the… Read more Film Recap

Example Video Essays

An example essay on the question on representation of the vampire & how it reflects values, attitudes and beliefs. Another on on the influence of German Expressionism on contemporary horror: Looking to the future… Here is an example of a year 13 video essay, which was submitted this year.

Compiling Your Video Essay

These are the assessment criteria for your comparative video essay… Comparative study (SL and HL) Marks Total A Task components 12 32 B Comparing and contrasting 12 C Assembling the comparative study 8 There are two possible essay titles for your video: How and with what effect are specific film elements of German expressionism used within… Read more Compiling Your Video Essay

Horror Narrative

The next macro study to apply to a film is to consider the narrative as part of the genre. Remember the basics of narrative? Here is a development of narrative in film and in introduction to the five act structure. Horror Narrative & Genre What are the typical features of a horror narrative? Consider one… Read more Horror Narrative

Horror Genre

A study of most films will include consideration of genre. Here is a slideshow to remind you about how to study genre: So genre is a comparative study: In what ways does a given film follow the generic conventions of horror? How is it different? And… …can we account for those differences? Task Watch Suckablood… Read more Horror Genre