Initial Song Ideas For A Video- Mini Pitch

While brainstorming ideas and coming up with different song choices I decided that Little Bit Of Love by Tom Grennan was a perfect choice for the narrative I had in mind. On the slideshow below I have presented my narrative and performace ideas:

By doing this task it will help in the near future when I am assorted into my group for my music vdeo as I will be able to share and display my ideas clearly for the group to decide if we are gong to use it or not. My Music video has a linear narrative with various locations such as the underground hospital and an underground car park. These locations will add the edgy effect as well as a sense of emotiion to my music video. My MES is basic to a certain extent however all of my costumes match together to create a diffeent look with a reoccuring theme of the colour green, as this is the colour I think of whenever I hear this song. To amplify my music video to have the realistic look I will make sure my MES matches my narrative. This will help my music video look realistic and not disjunctive.

Later on when I come to the editing part of my music video I will be sure to edit to the beat to add the full effect and make my music video look more proffesional.

Narrative Overviews

This music videos all about female empowerement and matches the lyrics of the song about how the boys don’t want the normal girl who is obsessed with make-up or has a lot of money but wants a girl who is different and a girl who doesn’t care about the gender inequalities in society for example in the video we see;

  • Girls skateboarding which can be seen as a male dominant sport or thing to do in traitional societys by using female empowerment it amlified the sense of belonging in the music video and added an extra element
  • A girl fixing a car once again seen as a males job or intended for men
  • We see 2 examples of sports both baseball and lacross where the girl are seen as better at the sport and either beat and defeat the boys or are clearly represented as better

The synesthesia matched the image you would think if you heard the song the music video went against the traditional pink and blue stereotypes of girls and boys colours which matched with the themes and issues within the narrative.

This videos narrative was a couple of boys who didn’t necessarily fit into their school and who felt like they didn’t belong or fit in. The narrative as then about the artist all putting them together to be friends with eachother so they were’nt lonely and felt like they belong and mean something. The boys are then seen going to prom and performing a dance in front of their peers with the artist playing in the background. I feel however the msuic was disjunctive at times as the video did get a bit boring towards the end. This music video was anarchronic with the artists playing throughout.

in this video we see examples of:

  • lonelyness
  • bullying
  • unity

The lyrics of the song fit into the music video perfectly with the common themes and issues blending with the title of the song.

The narrative of this music is the band are reflecting on their childhood and their memories, the narrative reflects the lyrics of the song as they are showing the story of their lives. The images hanging on all of the walls of the building definetly amplifies and illustrates their lives and how they had a normal childhood. The music video was a linear music video with a start middle and end they used the pictures in chronologic order with the phtotos of their youngest selves first.

My Narrative ideas

  • Rewind – A girl is stuck in the same 24 hour loop and can’t escape it she has to try and figure out what happened to her
  • Headache- 2 teenagers wake up after a long night prtying and taking all types of substances now they have to figure out what has happened to them before the timer ends
  • Everyones scared of the Dentist- an evil dentist is keen and eager to trap more and more patients into his underground death dentist what will happen next?

Narrative Sequence

This was our story board for our 30 second narrative sequence trailer called ‘ Another day at the office’. As you can see we used camera angles and displayed how we would shoot these shots illistrated by our drawings of our actor. We also used text and short sentences to make it more clear what we were planning to do in our shoot time. By planning out what we can do it mant when it came to the shoot we could efficiently start shooting almost instantly once we had to the camera set up and not waste anytime it was clear what was happening.

Upon reflection what I would do differently next time is make sure my camera is sterdy on the tripod as on some of our shots the camera angle comes across shakey and unproffesional. By doing this we woud’ve gained a higher mark and added a more realistic feel to our narrative sequence. Also another reflection would be that one of our shots was especially out of focus this was the shot with the rucksack and the door handle, our shots didn’t lineup particuarly well which made the whole clip seem staged and unprofessional.

To focus forward for next time I will be sure to take the following bullet points into account:

  • Plan the shoot well so you aren’t wasting time when it comes to the shoot
  • Use a tripod at all times to prevent blurry and unprofessional shots
  • Shoot every clip twice so if we dont like one or one becomes blurry we have another clip to use to make the scene look more realistic