Shoot 2 Reflection (Narrative)

Our group found that our music video shoot suddenly was dawning upon us; however we had already done most of the preparations needed by completing a production meeting agenda as well as a risk assessment. Both of these essential planning documents helped our shoot become stress free and easy to accomplish with plenty of time to gather extra shots needed including a location change. We had also as a group collected a narrative story board on slides which helped us plan and think about what best shots would convey our narrative as well as making sure we had every type of shot we needed.

Photos from the shoot:

What went well:

  • Everybody had brought the correct props and outfits 
  • We sticked to our storyboard with shots to make sure we gained every shot needed
  • The camera was maintained on a tripod for the majority of our shoot to make the shots as steady as possible 
  • All models and actors arrived eager and happy to take part in our video 
  • Due to us doing it in the morning we had natural lighting 
  • We got plenty of footage 

Targets for our next shoot include:

  • We forgot our tripod for the office shoot howere with quick thinking and teamwork we were able to create a make-shift tripod which worked effectively.
  • We have a lot of stiff shots and would like to add some movement shots into our music video to make it less stiff and boring 
  •  Although we planned effectively wwe could’ve been more exact with the shots as we were a bit stuck for ideas on the shoot
  • Due to us being outside the lighting may need slight adjusting in editing mode 
  • Plan and make sure as everyone is aware what is happening and where to avoid confusion or difficulty in the shoot.

Upon reflection our shoot was very successful. We gained shots we wanted as well as shots we didn’t need, however we can include in spaces that may be blank or empty. We worked effectively as a team. We would all agree planning effectively gave us a huge advantage especially due to us filming in the holidays where we all had a long break from using this equipment.


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