Digipak And Mission Statement

We found in this task that In order to have a star image that blends with your brand and genre you have to do research on the genre they are part of. 

This included selling our barn and our star image, understanding our competition and being aware of what they have done/ are doing, having a mission statement that reads well and is effective, making the audience want to know more about the artist and finally how you are going to sell your brand or star to the target audience.

Before we started coming up with our group/band/artists name we had to first of all think, who is our audience? Who listens to indie-pop music? And who are we targeting this brand at? After some research we discovered that most age groups that listen to indie-pop music are ages 15-21 so therefore in full time education or not long out of full time education. We took this on board when discussing our marketing strategies.

We decided for Island Panic we are going to use integrated advertising this means we are using multiple platforms of social media and industries to create the most efficient and successful audience for our package. We are also going to use guerilla marketing, we were also thinking of doing a call to action in our digipak to make the audience want to engage. Obviously when we were thinking of this we were making sure it all fits with the genre and is  coherent with other artists’ work as we wouldn’t want the audience to reject the text. These are our USP ideas and strategies. 


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