The Look book

Made with Padlet

This lookbook connotes what our genre of music for our band Island Panic is all about, these images we found connected to the style of music and the Bands branding. Some of these images are integrated advertising pieces of artwork.

While doing this tasks we realised we didn’t know much about the genre therefore we had to do some research on Indie pop music, the main connotations to having a successful indie pop brand the repertoire of elements are as follows:

  • simplistic artwork
  • Bright colours 
  • Emotional 
  • Tells a story 

By now knowing and understanding the conventions of a successful indie pop art piece whether it be a vinyl, album cover or music album cover, we can use this information as inspiration for our pieces of work in this module. We like some of the artists on the look book wall who will be using integrated advertising to appeal to the maximum audience we can. 


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