FINAL DRAFT Social Media Page

Here are screenshots of our completed instagram feed, I am really happy with the final look of this instagram page and am confident that it does everything necessary to make it an interactive successful social media page. We aimed to create a theme through our feed which reflects our genre and follow our key descriptors. This was important to ensure our instagram page didn’t look disconnected and followed the themes and image that our music video and digipak had presented. When designing posts for our page we made sure to this about AIDA. This is important for each post to be successful, as each post needs to attract a audience, create further interest when the audience clicks on the post, produce a desire for the audience to interact through the post (like, comment and sharing) and then have a call to action. This was very important on our posts which were advertising upcoming events that our star was part of (world tours etc) as for this post to be successful and do what the star requires it needs to include information and links on how to get tickets to these events. The audience does not want to hear about an event their star is in if they cannot get involved and buy tickets.

It is also important to include all areas of uses and gratifications (Blumler and Katz) within our social media page. This includes, personal identity, social interaction, information and entertainment. It is key to include all of these elements to please the audience, social media is the easiest way to create interaction for your audience which you cannot create produce from a music video or digipak. We produced quite a few posts which gave our audience this interaction they crave such as a Q&A which we created on our story allowing our audience to ask any questions they have for the star. We then answered these all on our story also and saved into our highlights, this allows the continuous new flow of fans to see these stories permanently.

Building up excitement was also something that we wanted to do through our social media page, we did this by creating posts which gave sneak peaks to upcoming releases giving our audience something to look forward to and keep them checking our page to find more information. We also wanted to include some cross-media convergence which connected our star to brand which are popular to our target audience. We chose to do this with a well known headphone brand, Beatsbydre, and also a clothing brand which we feel reflects the interests of our desired audience, motel rocks. We also creates this cross-media convergence by involving our star in other types of media such as a radio debut and our star taking the front cover of a magazine. This allows our star to be pushed past just a social media page and be represented through many types of media attracting a wider audience.

More goals that we had when designing our social media page was the idea of creating a star which is represented as being ordinary and extra-ordinary. We did this by not only showing achievements and professional events our star was apart of for example, photo-shoots, album cover releases, song releases and tour date but also posting about our stars everyday life such as holidays and casual selfies. These ordinary Images give our audience the perception that they can relate to the star giving them more of a desire to interact.

Here I have created a slideshow of all the posts which we shared on our social media page, I put these into sections of main posts and then the different highlights on our page. I really enjoyed promoting our star through this social media page and it was definitely one of my favourite elements of the promotion package which helped all of the products come together.

Social Media Page Draft 2

Above is some feedback on our second social media page draft. This feedback helped us see what is good and what can be improved to make the page even better for our final draft. This gives an insight to what our audience want to see on our social media page by getting another opinion.

These are two of the recent posts that we added to our stars social media page, announcing a collaboration with Motel Rocks and also the release of the album BlueLight.

What is good :

  • good interaction with the audience
  • good snipet/sneekpeak video of new music video
  • good use of synergy and promotional work used with the collabaration of the beats headphones
  • good use of bts shots, makes the audience intriuged
  • shows her ordinary side of her out with her friends
  • good use of the spotify wrapped
  • good use of using music magazine to make her look extra ordinary
  • good use of merch

What needs improving :

  • Name the other star in the second post
  • Where can you buy the tickets from for the tour??
  • could create a competition to allow fans to win tickets to xmas party
  • no guerilla marketing

Social Media Page Draft 1 – self assessment

This is our first draft for our stars social media page. I have been really enjoying making this instagram page and designing posts and collaborations for our star. We decided to  design a beats X meg collaboration as our star was wearing beats in one of our recent shoots so it was easy to do. We made sure to design our page around being conventional to our genre and making sure the colour scheme reflects EDM. We have stayed active on the account as this is important for a star to do in order to give their fans the personal interaction they want.

so far some of our posts include sneak peaks into one of megs new releases and music video as well as casual pics from our star at a festival making her seem more ordinary to fans and speaking about her interaction with her listeners. By designing a collaboration with beats by dre this is an example of synergy as the star is gaining more attention by working with other brands which attract the same audience. We have included links to eventbrite for tickets to her performances as well as store links to buy the stars merch, this is important as these links create a call to action for the fans. We have also received interaction through this instagram from followers asking whether products are sustainably sources and whether they support any charities this has been important to be able to share this information with our fans as it may draw them closer to the star knowing they are in support of charities and ethically made clothing.


Here are some of the stories which we have posted on our stars account so far. We designed merchandise for our star and use the publicity of a social media page to advertise this as it gains the attention of her fans as well as working as marketing for the star when the fans buy and wear this merch they are promoting meg as a star.

Going forward with our social media page we would like to continue the countdown to the release of our stars album as well as involving our star with more cross media convergence such as a radio debut and potentially more collaborations with brands such as ASOS, we may also create a collaboration with another EDM star as this is another very successful way to gain our upcoming star some more attention. We are also looking to include some more interactive elements in our page such as a Q&A on our story to answer any questions fans have about the star.

click image to see PDF


Social Media Page – Marketing Timeline

A important step before beginning our marketing campaign through instagram was to plan out the posts, events and brand collaborations that we were going to promote through our stars instagram. In order to do this we created a timeline consisting of the posts which we are going to do to create our campaign, this makes it easy to know what we should we posting and when so that our social media page successfully promotes our artist how we want it to. In our timeline we ensured that we have posts which will build excitement up over time towards release dates and events our star is holding. It was also key to make sure we had posts which allow for social interaction such as Q&A’s and planning meet and greets which make the star seem more ordinary towards their fans but also promoting world tours and merchandise which show the star to be a extraordinary image. The social media page needs to be informative but also entertaining for fans. The posts need to be designed to high standards and exciting in order to go viral and create a buzz around the star. The page also needs to follow the steps of AIDA – attention, interest, desire, call to action. This refers to a post needing to be able to catch the attention of fans and intent them to view the post, give them a desire to interact and then have a step which allows them to interact, for example buying the merchandise by having a link available.


Social Media Website Design

Here is a website page which I designed to sell our stars merch. I was unable to make this website public to upload to our social media page so have just created snapshots of the website on here to show the page. This was an extra task we worked on to display the merchandise we had designed for our star. I think the website has big potential and was designed successfully to make the merchandise easy to shop for fans and also gives a small insight into the star herself.

here are some more images of the merchandise we designed for our star. we chose to use a graphic design from promoting her new album ‘Firelight’ on the back and have her artist name bold on the front. These designs would be very successful at giving the star promotion through her fans wearing her merch.

Audience interaction with a social media page

What is conventional about the page in terms of technical conventions?

We have chosen to analyse the Instagram profile of Calvin Harris as he is a well known EDM artist with an established profile. 

His profile has a large following of 10.5 million which demonstrates his popularity and success as an artist. This following also reflects how this platform has been a success for him capturing attention from fans and acting as a marketing campaign.  

As you can see his profile picture displays himself performing at potentially a festival, which shows he is well known in the EDM industry, along with his other posts displaying many other festivals he has performed at which helps to advertise his music.

This profile is conventional to the EDM genre as his feed has a bright, neon colour scheme promoting his fun energetic festival performances which are key values of EDM. 

He also has highlights at the top of his page which promote some of his recent song releases and as well as his experiences at known events and festivals. These highlights create easy advertisement and information for the star.

His bio features a link to his website of merch allowing fans easy access to purchase his music on CD’s and vinyl records as well as his personal clothing line. Therefore his personal profile is acting as advertisement for these products.

His bold neon feed will help to gain the attention of fans and interest them to interact with his page, giving him further exposure which will help him gain more attention through the platform. 

Promoting his festival sets and new releases makes it easy for fans to stream his music through the platform and also become aware of where the DJ will be playing, allowing them to buy tickets, this makes his platform a call to action. 

Moreover this platform allows viewers to be informed and entertained by his content but also have a level of personal interaction by liking,  commenting and sharing his posts.

This platform is a successful example of promoting an artist through social media as it is a free way of gaining further promotion through the interaction of fans. 

Calvin Harris is represented as a extra-ordinary star through his instagram profile as videos of his live sets in front of thousands of fans makes up a large proportion of his feed. On the other hand, his highlights show the star reposting fans stories of his performance interacting with his followers and making him seem more ordinary allowing him to relate with his fans more and giving appreciation to those promoting his music.


This task was useful as it allowed us to analyse a professional social media page and how the audience interacts with the page.  Here we have created a script to analyse a soclai media page, we decided to look into Calvin Harris’s social media page as he related to our genre and therfore we were able to look into the overal desired aesthetic of a EDM social media page aswell as the general conventions. This was very useful as it will help when designing out own social media page for our star. We chose to analyse a instagram page as this is the platform we would like to use for our own page as we like the overall aesthetic of instagram the best aswell as it being easy to use, we also feel this fits with our audiences prefernces best.


click to see Calvin Harris Instagram page

Social media page – key terminology

This task allowed me t0 analyse EDM artist social media pages and identify the key terminology within these pages. I chose to pick apart one instagram page and one Facebook page as they both have different elements to be successful at promoting the artist. Comparing the two was useful for me to see which social media platform I would prefer to do for our own platform to create a campaign of our artist. It is also important to recognise which of these platforms would be most successful at capturing the attention of our target audience. The layout and general target audience for Facebook and instagram are very different therefore this task was essential to recognise which is best suited. Analysing these technical conventions gave me a better understanding of the purpose and importance of the conventions within these platforms.