Conventional Shots and Narratives for my genre

Made with Padlet

To exlore and show the correct conventions and connotations of the key filming conventions and performance style for our indie-pop genre we have created a Padlet with gifs and other images. These images are from a music video similar to our song choice in order to pick up on things we need to include in ours such as a variety of camera angles.

By using a variety of camera shots and angles you gain a higher mark fro cinematography and create an interesting an dinclusive music video for multiple target audiences. By using a repertoire of elements from this music video we will gain a higher mark and won’t mislead our target audience as we are giving them what they are expecting and not misleading them in anyway.

The editing in this music video was similar to how we would like ours in a organised chaotic way with the oace of edit speeding up and slowing down in various parts of the music video. In the music video we studies we studied how they potrayed the star image in various shots and clips in the edit adn video.

This will help us with our narrative overview as it will help us convey the story and have all the correct conventions into the msuic video in order to display our narrative. This narrative is conventional for our genre as it is simple and realistic as well as it will belnd with the song and become a succesful music video. Linear narratives are more popular in our genre however in roder for us to be different we arent going to use a linear narrative as we want our music video to be viewed as much as possible. Having a linear narrative can cause for the audience only viewing the video once as they know what will happen.

This activity will be helpful for the Lip Sync task we have been assigned next week as well as completing our Creative Critical Response Essay at the end of the unit.

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