Week 10 – Task 26 – Recap on TV drama terms – final home learning task

We will be revisiting how to analyse TV drama next week and looking at using a variety of terms you have already come across in a textual analysis.

You need to revisit the terms from Mise En Scene, Camera, Editing and Sound to ensure that you understand the majority of them and can recognise their use and appearance in the moving image i.e the TV drama clip.

Here is the glossary.  It will also be on classroom if you want your own copy. Remember to make a folder for TV drama in google so that you can keep all your resources there.

Make sure you read it, see if you can remember a good number of them and then we can start to use them in a more focused way next week.

If you still have outstanding posts then make sure you complete them before next week and also collate as much as you can onto your Music Industry page to create a one stop shop for revision and reference when we come back to it later this year.

Well done for tackling Sound on your own.

See you on Monday – we are so looking forward to getting back to face to face teaching.



Week 10 – Distance Learning – Task 24 – Textual Analysis – Sound in TV Drama

Overview of the week:

  • Session 1 – The Big Ideas – Mr G screencastify to complete Music Industry – 1 hr
  • Session 2 – Blog collation – Music Industry – 1 hr
  • Session 3 – Screen Castify for Sound – 10 mins
  • Session 4/5 – Sound Presentation and Terms – 1 hr
  • Session 6 – Merlin sequence – 1 hr
  • Session 7 – Revisit all terms if you have time for Camera, Sound, Editing and MES – 1 hr

Session 3 – Task 24 – presentation and Quizlet

So far you have explored and used 3 of the 4 microfeatures that you will need to reference in your Textual Analysis of a TV drama clip – they are Mise en Scene, Camera and Editing. This is the final are that you need to consider in your textual analysis and that is how Sound is used to represent events, characters, themes and issues in the moving image.

Here is a PowerPoint on sound in film & TV drama.

It contains all the key words you need to use to describe types of sound in your textual analysis essay, it also gives some examples from film.

Take the quizlet and let me know your score from the test in the blog league post.



Week 10 – Task 22 and Task 23 – Summing Up The Music Industry and resource collation

Welcome back after half term.

We have this week as our final week of distance learning, so make it count. We will be looking at TV drama for the rest of the week after these two summative tasks. Try and get a clear desk and blog league before we change tack tomorrow.

Task 22 – Session 1 – 1 hr

Here is a video of Mr G trying to explain the important take away points you need to consider and revise for the Media Contexts (Audience & Institutions).

Please watch through and make some bullet point notes on the significance of each the 6 exam foci.  A template is on classroom for you to use and turn in.

Task 23 – Session 2 – 1 hour

Compile your learning on the page ‘The Music Industry’, which you created in your blog.  Find all the resources you can – slideshares, worksheets, quizlets, voicethreads, videos, essays, templates, Q & A, presentations, glossaries of terms etc.

This is in order to help you recap your learning and also give you a brilliant revision source.

I suggest using the following headings to structure your page:

  1. Production
  2. Distribution
  3. Marketing
  4. Exchange
  5. Technology

Or just upload in the order you did the tasks i.e. follow the tasks on classroom as we dealt with the stages in chronological order anyway.

Remember, to update the blog league too.

We are really looking forward to seeing you next Monday. Woo hoo! But make sure you continue to work hard from home this week.


Task 20 – Case Study Index (and Task 19 – take a copy of the class slideshare)

Make sure you take a copy of your Class Case Study slideshare first of all and rename it as your own. You can then thin it down and delete ones you don’t like. Or redesign slides etc.

All the instructions and templates are on the blog but listen carefully to Mrs Cobb’s outline and explanation.

Remember to  use examples from across the Class Case Study Slideshare, Anima and the Voicethread Sandbox recording or pdf.


Essential Learning

The section of the exam is called ‘Audiences & Institutions’.

Much of the case study work we have done so far has been about institutions: conglomerates, major labels, indie labels and even DIY artists can be described as ‘institutions’.

However, there are a number of key ideas you need to understand about audiences &  it is key that you mention audience, their behaviour & expectations in your explanations & essays.

Key concepts for audience:

  • Mass or mainstream – the big audiences who consume (popular) music.
  • Niche – smaller, more particular audiences who consume sub-genres or follow specific smaller bands.
  • Demographics and psychographics offer ways to describe & categorise an audience
  • Social media platforms know more about the audience than they do themselves!
    • They can target content which is tailor made for a specific audience
  • An audience can be ‘sold’ to advertisers
  • The online, interactive audience expect to be able to participate in the media, not merely watch & consume.
    • The audience are prosumers not just consumers
  • The audience seek use and gratification from the media they consume
    • Blumler & Katz
  • WeMedia
  • The audience is global, national and local

You = audience.

One of the questions might be about audience behaviour so you must be able to talk about your own experiences of consuming and making music (if appropriate) and how you are ‘typical’ of the average music listener nowadays. It might be easier to adopt an approach that shows how you are easily consumed, attracted by the Big 3 to their marketing, image focused approach but also that you enjoy finding, following and listening to less synthetically produced material in the form of indie artists and can much more easily find this type of music because of Digital Technology and more importantly, they can more easily find you!

Audience Theory

This short video covers many useful concepts regarding different audience theories. It uses terms slightly differently from those we have taught you and also focuses on video games rather than music, but it is a really good refresher.

Week 8 – Distance Learning – Audience and Case Study Index

We hope your Liberation weekend was fun – different if nothing else!

This is a summing up week before we spend the final week before half-term on an essay.  We just have a bit of Listen to the screen castify and see classroom for the template index.  It is a bit of a ‘slog’ but it will be well worth it as you will have a core set of excellent case studies that you ‘get’ and can use in the exam.

  • Task 18 – Session 1 (Monday) – Audience case studies – see allocated stories for Class Slideshare  and listen to Mr Gregson’s screen castify – 1 hr
  • Task 20 – Session 2/3/4/5/6 (Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri) – Case study index – 4 hrs – See Screen Castify from Mrs C and see classroom Classroom




Distance Learning – Week 7 – Music Industry – Exhibition and Exchange 4/5 – 10/5

Hi, well done to all of you for keeping on top of this – we recognise it is not easy for some of you but we are impressed with the majority response to the work online.

This is the outline for this week in case you want to plan the way ahead. All posts will be on classroom and some resources will be copied onto the blog too,  to ensure that you know what to do. We will also set overviews on MILK. Don’t forget to amend the blog league so that your teachers can keep on top of what you are doing.

  • Monday  – Catch up on posts or rest.
  • Tuesday/Wednesday
    •  Task 14 – Exhibition and Exchange – Scavenger Hunt Collage  0.5 hr – submit to classroom
    • Task 15 – Converged Technology – Generation Game  – 0.5 hr – we trust you to play the game and amend the blog.
  • Thursday/Friday
    • Task 16 – Glossary of terms – Quizlet – 1 hr – submit to classroom
    • Task 17 – Complete case studies on slideshare Exhibition & Exchange and Converged Technology and Digital Technology –  1 hr – submit to class slideshare on classroom
  • Friday – Bank Holiday but catch up on outstanding posts.